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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Thanksgiving Poem

Thanks I give to all of you, for whom
Hope shines into a new light called the
Arts, and for whom the challenges of
New beginnings sprout into rivers of
Knowledge and currents of wisdom that
Support humanity into reaching higher
Goals of promoting a better world, full of
Inspirations to all who wish to transform the
Visions of unity and selflessness into oceans of top
Innovations that ensure a brighter world, where
No one goes through life without the discovery of
Greatness, and the everlasting gift of true friendship!

Dear friends,

First and foremost, I wish to thank you for the gift of your friendship and for supporting my dreams. As you know, I've spent several months attempting to wrap up my writing projects. And now I can finally see the light through the end of the tunnel. The world of an artist is in no doubt a beautiful one for our world is constantly transforming into new ideas, rich characters and out of this world tell tales. May your thanksgiving be filled with hugs, love and many thanks from you and to you!

Love to all,
